Friday, 20 September 2013


Facebook abounds with status posts from snot-besmeared friends.  Metaphysically these seasonal snotfests could be due to a feeling of having too much going on in our lives.  Then we get all panicky because we simply can't afford to get sick, right now.  There is too much we have to do.  Summer is over.  The academic year has just begun and Winter is already peeking through the dancing golden leaves. We push ourselves to keep going, whereas we know we would be better off enjoying some precious duvet time to rest and rejuvenate.  Then, when we feel all perky again, we'll be able to accomplish heaps without putting ourselves under extra stress.

Prevention is always better than cure, but whatever your status right now, you can always benefit from boosting your immune system.  There is a high correlation between healthy living and an happy immune system, so here's some helpful hints to keep you vibing high:

In addition, be sure to enjoy hot baths, meditate and invest in treatments such as yoga, massage and reiki to improve circulation, release endorphins and aid detoxification.

Sending you bliss and blessings in abundance and remember that good health and happiness are yours xXx