Humans are the only animals who refer to someone else when
they are ill; an interesting notion.
Rather than rely on our innate self healing mechanisms, it appears we’ve
been conditioned to place more value on what other people think about ourselves. Some people admit they don’t want to invest
time and energy in themselves, but would rather pay someone to give them a
quick fix for whatever troubles them.
We have so many conversations with people who claim they
want to feel better, but fail to do anything about it. It’s as if they enjoy the attention their
ailment attracts and maybe they fear that in healing themselves they’ll have
nothing else to talk about?
So, let’s start with something so simple and vital to good
health that everyone can do it – NO EXCUSES:
Composed of over 80% water as a foetus, our body water
content gradually decreases over time until we’re human raisins.
Not only does water stop your tongue sticking to the roof of
your mouth on a hot day, but it plays an undervalued, yet vital part in fluids
in the spine, joints and eyes, amongst other things. It is also used to transport oxygen, vitamins
and minerals around the cells via the vast network of arteries, veins and
capillaries and eliminates waste from cells and the body.
So, if you don’t hydrate your body properly, how can you
expect it to function effectively? Just
as a car would break down if you failed to maintain its fluids and fuel, the
same applies to you.
We’ll say it again.
Drink more water. We know there
are those of you who argue that beer, sports drinks and coffee contain water
too, but they also contain substances that put your body under unnecessary
stress. Please treat yourselves
regularly to more water or even herbal teas.
Notice how much more energy you have, and especially if you’re a serial
snacker, how it suppresses your constant cravings for food. Enjoy more fruits and vegetables with high
water content, too. Become a life
explorer and investigate ways to be healthier and happier.
However, be aware that tap water in the UK is pumped with
lots of things we’d rather not think about, including heavy metals, chlorine
and fluoride. It also includes some
harmful additives which have been banned in other European countries, but apparently
it's OK for UK residents to ingest them. While
these chemicals may kill germs in the water, they are also harmful to humans. Go on, treat yourself to a water filter jug,
water ozonator, ioniser or a Bobble today!
We dare you to drink more water every day and see how much
better you feel. You never know, you
might just enjoy feeling fabulous!
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