Thursday, 11 April 2013

Have you met Kevin?

We sincerely hope you have made the most of this Winter by staying snugly and warm when you weren't busy playing in the snow.  In the heart of England, we have had heaps of the powdery white stuff and lots of icy wind.  But, while cold winds are wonderful to blow cobwebs away, they also harness the power to turn us into human popsicles.

Finally, after what seems like the longest Winter in a gazillion years, the sun is taking a cheeky peek from behind the grey blanket that has long consumed the sky.  Spring is on its way.  The days are getting longer and the nights shorter.  The time of introspection and hibernation are coming to a close as we are coaxed to uncloak ourselves from our snugly Winterness and let ourselves be rebirthed by the youthful energies of Spring.  Yippee!

This Winter we discovered yet another way to lead a happy, healthful lifestyle.  It requires getting the vacuum cleaner out daily, standing out in the cold and stuffing little bunny eared black bags in every backpack and jacket pocket.  We adopted a Kevin.

In the past few months we've been blessed as Kevin's guardians, we have already experienced so much love and joy.  Everywhere we go, he spreads loads of love and squillions of smiles.  Kevin has helped little kids get over their dog phobias, soothed grieving 'owners' and raised awareness about Guide Dog retirementWe have engaged in many uplifting conversations with random strangers and it is quite amazing just how many people carry dog treats.  People actually queue up to stroke and talk to him.  He is quite the local celebrity; loving and so deserving of all the attention.

 He spent his puppyhood in training and the majority of his life in service, being a most awesome Guide Dog. He will be 98 dog years old this June. That's 14 human years on this planet, being awesome. 

We enjoy giving him heaps of hugs, regular massages, lots of rest, reiki and lovely, gentle walks. Brushing and vacuuming is a far too frequent occurrence, but it is a small price to pay for all the love we get in returnHe also enjoys a wholesome, species-appropriate diet.  We have seen his energy levels, mobility and flexibility improve and he just loves wiggling and rolling on his back down our slopey garden.  But some days, when the sky is heavy with cloud and the duvet beckons us during the day, the old dog shows his tired face.  He literally feels under the weather.  So we just give him even more cuddles.

We all adore KevinWe don't know how much longer Kevin will choose to spend with us on the physical plane, but every moment we share is one we will always treasure.  There is no such thing as just a dog or just a pet.  Every living being, no matter how big or small, furry or bald, has an equally important part to play in this game of life.

Don't count the days. Make the days count.
- Muhammed Ali

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