Wednesday, 19 June 2013


"Biologists have yet to discover any wild carnivore that cooks its food."  ~ Kymythy Schultze

The only way to know exactly what is in the food you eat is to prepare it yourself.  The same goes for the food you feed your furry family members.  The food packaging may claim to be beneficial to your pets health, but then why do domestic animals seem to suffer more and more from common 'human' allergies and conditions such as obesity, diabetes, cancer and arthritis?  While the list of ingredients and nutrients on processed pet food may look impressive, often tests are not done to check bioavailability and quality after processing.

Dried pet food only appeared on the market about 60 years ago but has been big business ever since.  Before then, pets ate what their guardians offered and what prey they could find outdoors. 
Dr Karen Becker recommends we find out exactly what is in our pet food and check it is fit for human consumption.  You could also switch to a fresh frozen BARF diet, which has bones mixed in, or even prepare your own food with fresh ingredients.  

The changes in your pets' health will lick you in the face.  I highly recommend researching the topic before you embark on this life changing diet for your beloveds.  Have confidence and faith and surround yourself with people who support your decision, those who have done it themselves and have seen the benefits with their own eyes.  Buddha said something along the lines of never believe others, but discover truths from your own personal experiences.  We are all different and must find what is right for us, not what other people think is right for us.

While we cannot determine the longevity of our pets, we can still do our best to ensure they are happy and healthy.  We decided to invest in our Muzzles' nutrition, by following Kymythy's species appropriate diet and have since created our own MUZZLESCOFF based on Kymythy's 'prey model' recipe below, including meat and bones to ensure the animals get all they need for optimum nutrition.

Pet’s weight: 10 lbs/4.5kg
1. Raw meat: ¼-½ cup muscle meat (plus organ meat or egg) 
2. Raw bone: 1-2 chicken necks 
3. Veggies: ½-1 tbl, pulped 
4. Kelp/alfalfa: ½-1 tsp 
Cod-liver oil: ¼ tsp 
Essential Fatty Acids: ½ tsp flax oil
Vitamin C: up to 500-1,500 mg 

Pet’s weight: 50 lbs/22kg
1. Raw meat: ¾-1 cup muscle meat (plus organ meat or egg) 
2. Raw bone: 1 turkey neck or 6 chicken necks 
3. Veggies: 3 tbl, pulped 
4. Kelp/alfalfa: 2 tsp 
Cod-liver oil: 1 tsp 
Essential Fatty Acids: 2 tsp flax oil
Vitamin C: up to 3,000-6,000 mg

Schultze, Kymythy (1999-10-01). Natural Nutrition for Dogs and Cats (p. 5). Hay House. Kindle Edition.

The physiological and mental changes in our Muzzles, Henry, Hugo and Kevin, have been amazing.  Henry's always been a bit on the podgy side and even managed to collapse our neighbour's fence once, by climbing up it.  On a species appropriate diet, he is more spritely, has toned up his jelly belly, sports a waistline now and is even graceful, on occasions.  Kevin de-toxed heavily, having been on a processed diet for 14 years.  He lost weight and fat before gaining muscle, which is all part of the de-toxification process.  Kymythy tells you how to comfort your pets through their healing process :o)  

Kevin's dry, scaly 'elbows' cleared up and are now smooth and lovely.  He lost his 'turkey neck' and acquired a gorgeously glossy coat.  In fact, all three of the Muzzles have luscious, soft fur. Kevin's cheekiness and energy levels are constantly increasing and people compliment him on looking fabulous for 14 years old!  The vet even commented on his improved hind limb flexibility, so yeay!  We also give Kevin glucosamine with chondroitin as well as massages and Reiki to help him feel fabulous. The bonus is that whatever the cats don't eat, the Lab-Retriever obviously will, so there is no wastage and every one is a happy bunny...or kitty...or puppy.

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