Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Never ever get married

Never ever get married.  It'll only end in tears.  Nothing lasts forever.  Why bother getting married when it's so expensive to get divorced.  For all the congratulations we received, we also received a whacking amount of commiserations.  Maybe they have a point.  This is my third marriage, after all.  You'd have thought I might be resistant to the proposal, having already vowed and twice revoked till death do us part.  What a hypocrite?! At one point I vowed NEVER to get married again, but then another of my philosophies is NEVER say never.  So, ooh, imagine the dilemma.

We could ponder repeatedly whether a relationship will work, or endure, until we're wrinkly, old raisins, holding each others hands not only for affection but to help prop each other upright.  But then again the goal of any relationship isn't to endure a lifetime.  In my mind a relationship is mutually satisfying and enjoyable for as long as it is co-created.

Based on previous experiences I'd surely be bonkers to marry again, but I decided not to let my past pester my present.  I am very glad. A commitment to any relationship is a journey, whether legally recognised or not.  Love works in the present, and by deepening my love in my present relationships, I am creating loving relationships in the future and also healing the past.  And if the relationship ends, then it is because we co-created la fin.  An end merely signifies a new beginning so I won't regret a thing, because I know I enjoyed creating every moment with this man I adore.

You don't avoid making new friends just in case you might not be friends in future.  You simply enjoy every moment you are blessed to share and create together.

So I forgave and (very easy to do with my memory) forgot past experiences.  I learnt from them and vow to myself not to make the same mistakes again, as long as I remember what they are!  When you can permit yourself to forgive, you allow yourself to feel the awesome aliveness that comes when you love and are loved once more.

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