Friday, 28 September 2012

The Beauty of Simplicity

I know people who regularly race around their home frantically searching for keys or paperwork.  It's also not unusual to hear the kids whine: 'I can't find my shooooooooes!'  Arguments flare, then fingerpointing results in frustration and a stressed out, unhappy family.  
The chaos about thee 
is but the confusion within thee

But peace could prevail by taking a few simple steps.  Keep everything in its proper place and you will save time and energy which could be better spent, by having fun or relaxing.  

Ooh, what sounds more appealing now, eh?!

If something only takes a couple of minutes to do, do it immediately rather than putting it off till later, when no doubt other things will be requiring your attention too.  That's how mountains grow out of molehills.  Master Domestic Goddessness through experience.  If something doesn't work for you; try something different!

I remember the olden days of insurmountable mounds of ironing.  One day I just decided to throw away my iron.  Life's too short to spend it doing pointless things.  No body has commented on how creased our clothes are and we have freed up hours of play time.

We are fortunate.  Both MiBu and I believe LESS IS MORE and our home is simple and tidy and everything has a place that is accessible.  Even when our home needs cleaning, it still appears tidy and this makes housework a joy.  Yes, I actually adore my Domestic Goddess 'chores' and making our home sparkly and beautified.  It is a blessed ritual for me.  Yes there is a good chance I am mad, but it's not been certified...yet.

Some people have an attachment to things and this can cause unhappiness.  Also, the more you have, the more responsibility you possess.  This can actually suck the joy out of whatever it is that you own.  

Whilst getting rid of stuff you have spent time and money acquiring may bring you out in a cold sweat, the feeling of getting rid of superfluous stuff is so liberating.  You might even turn it into a hobby.  If you haven't used something in 6 months, chuck it out!  What's the point surrounding yourself with stuff you don't use? 

When everything around you is sacred,
your whole world is sacred.  

Your environment reflects who you are.  Look around your room.  What does it say about you right now?  Do you still keep stuff that is broken or hideous, but it was a gift and you'd feel guilty if you ditched it?

Honestly, if what you look at every single day doesn't make your heart sing - change it!  If it's broken, fix it or ditch it.

When you let go of the old, 
you make way for the new.

If it doesn't benefit you, bring you joy or improve your life....

Get rid of it!!

Enjoy the beauty of simplicity and surround yourself with all that is sacred to you xXx

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Warrior or worrier?

It is bad for our health and fantastically futile, yet so many people still do it.  

“I've had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened”   
Mark Twain

Worrying is a waste of energy.  It is a fear of unknown or negative possibilities, that might not even happen, or negative thoughts about something that may have already happened. So why worry?

Tell your worries to the Worry Dolls.  They really don't mind and they are good at keeping secrets.

As the quote states, most of the time worry doesn't even manifest in physical reality but drowns our thoughts in a whole bunch of 'what ifs...' which snowball out of control and have a detrimental effect on our daily lives.

And when you are full of fear you are restricting the amount of joy and fun in your life.  Why on earth would you choose fear over fun?!

Fear also causes the body to release adrenalin, which affects the digestive system.  An acidic and negative internal environment can make you feel sick and suppress your immune system which leaves you vulnerable to attack.  Then that'd give you something else to worry about!

The universe says YES! to whatever you focus on.  Therefore the more you worry, the more things you will find to worry about.  On the positive side, the more you focus on what you are grateful for in your life, more things will present themselves that you can be thankful for.

So don't worry.  Help is at hand!

Here are a few ways to help let go of worry and bring a sense of peace and harmony into your life:
  • Meditation and relaxation.  You make the time to meditate and relax, if you don't feel there are enough hours in the day.  There are even 10-minute guided meditation cds, so no excuses even for really busy bees.

  • Don't take life so personally.  When you take yourself seriously it sucks the joy out of the whole experience and is really quite unattractive.  Learn to laugh at yourself.

  • Practice Reiki, yoga, tai chi or qi gong to learn discipline, focus and to help maintain harmony and peace.

  • Get enough sleep.  When you are well rested, you can manage your emotions better and anything life may throw at you.

  • Talk to people rather than keep your worries bottled up.  When you realise that you are not in this alone, a weight is lifted from your shoulders.  

  • Hug lots and don't be afraid to ask for a hug if you need one.  Touch is healing.  There is too much emphasis on 'bad touch' which is making people withdraw, whereas the power of 'good' touch is immense.

  • Write in a journal. Talking and writing about your worries and fears can disempower them. My pen is my pressure valve. If I go without writing for days, I feel like I'm going to POP!  It is a most beautiful, artistic and creative form of release and self-expression. 

  • Whether you are religious or not, the serenity prayer is beautiful.  When looking for an image I was astounded by the number of people, both men and women, who have it as a tattoo!  I think I'd want it printed backwards though so I could read it in the mirror!

NOW is the time to become friends with your body, mind and soul.  You might as well, as you are all in this together! :o)

Mind how you go! 

Loads of love and Heaps of Healing xXx


Friday, 14 September 2012

Mental Altitude

Living a healthy lifestyle isn't just about wholesome food and exercise.  Whilst vitally important, there are other factors to consider, such as a wholesome mental attitude.

Several years ago, I attended a Family Nurturing course at our local Early Years Centre.  Our bible was The Parenting Puzzle by Candida Hunt.  One thing that resonated and has stayed with us throughout the years, apart from the Family Guidelines poster, was the SPICES of Life chart.

Would love to know how to rotate the poster, but just consider it great exercise for increased neck flexibility

The idea is that when your life consists of each of these segments in balance, then you'll lead a satisfying, fulfilling and harmonious life.  However, the other day we noticed it lacks a Nutrition segment, but then I guess the acronym wouldn't be quite as punchy!  But, a substandard diet will nevertheless affect your enjoyment of these aspects of your life, as your physical health deteriorates.

Seeing my mom with her 'dicky' knees, not comfortable playing with her grandchildren on the floor, made me want to be a bendy, fun and sparky granny who can still roll around and bounce with the grandkids.

But including all these aspects is pointless if you've not got the right attitude towards Life.  If you're a Moaning Minnie, you'll merely attract more things to complain about.  However, if you cultivate an attitude for gratitude and look for reasons to smile, then you will notice an ever increasing abundance of wonderful things to be thankful for.

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry
show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile. 
- Unknown

As for us, well, I guess we have cultivated a Tiggerific philosophy towards life.  All souls bounce, so when you get knocked down, just brush yourself off and bounce back up.  As the great, orange bouncy One announced, in an explosion of Tigger spittle: It doesn't matter how big or small you are (or any other excuses you use to stop yourself from being the greatest version of yourself you could ever possibly be) but it's all about your 'bumptious, scrumptious, tiggerific mental altitude'

So, just for today, give thanks for many blessings and watch them multiply, like bunnies, before your eyes.

Thank you for taking the time and energy to read this post 


Monday, 10 September 2012


The human body is utterly amazing.  I think the first thing we should teach our children is how the body works and nurture a healthy respect for it.  This would help avoid the abuse and dis-ease that is sadly commonplace today.

I don't want us to sound like Harry Enfield's Mr 'You Don't Wanna Do It Like That', but we want people to be aware so you can make the conscious decision to lead happier, healthier lives.

Some people consume products off the shelves without a second glance at the ingredients. Once upon a time, even I used to assume that if they sell it in the shops, it must be ok.  Then I educated myself. They assume that if a product says 'organic', 'low fat'  or 'no added sugar' then it must be a healthier option.  Even popular beauty products and childrens 'gentle' bath products contain ingredients that are known carcinogens or harmful to the body in some way.  If you were aware what the effects of some of these ingredients were on your body's systems, would you still continue to use them on yourself and your children?

The human body is an amazing detoxifier, but is it right to push it to its limits, when you could be kinder to the vessel that allows you to experience life on earth?  By simplifying your lifestyle and looking after your body, you can experience more happiness and greater health, which opens you up to new opportunities and possibilities.

It's not only certain food, cosmetics and pollutants in tap water, but also environmental pollution and negative energy that have a toxic effect on your body.  Stress and negative emotions release hormones that create an acidic internal environment, which suppresses the immune system and makes us more vulnerable to attack and dis-ease.

If you can't pronounce it; don't buy it!  If you can't eat it; don't put it on your skin!  THINK before you put anything in your mouth.  In fact, THINK before you do ANYTHING! 

It really does matter!