It is bad for our health and fantastically futile, yet so many people still do it.
“I've had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened”
Mark Twain
is a waste of energy. It is a fear of unknown or negative possibilities, that might not even happen, or negative thoughts about something that may have already happened. So why worry?
Tell your worries to the Worry Dolls. They really don't mind and they are good at keeping secrets. |
As the quote states, most of the time worry doesn't even manifest in physical reality but drowns our thoughts in a whole bunch of 'what ifs...' which snowball out of control and have a detrimental effect on our daily lives.
And when you are full of fear you are restricting the amount of joy and fun in your life. Why on earth would you choose fear over fun?!
Fear also causes the body to release adrenalin, which affects the digestive system. An acidic and negative internal environment can make you feel sick and suppress your immune system which leaves you vulnerable to attack. Then that'd give you something else to worry about!
And when you are full of fear you are restricting the amount of joy and fun in your life. Why on earth would you choose fear over fun?!
Fear also causes the body to release adrenalin, which affects the digestive system. An acidic and negative internal environment can make you feel sick and suppress your immune system which leaves you vulnerable to attack. Then that'd give you something else to worry about!
The universe says YES! to whatever you focus on. Therefore the more you worry, the more things you will find to worry about. On the positive side, the more you focus on what you are grateful for in your life, more things will present themselves that you can be thankful for.
So don't worry. Help is at hand!
Here are a few ways to help let go of worry and bring a sense of peace and harmony into your life:
Meditation and relaxation. You make the time to meditate and relax, if you don't feel there are enough hours in the day. There are even 10-minute guided meditation cds, so no excuses even for really busy bees.
Don't take life so personally. When you take yourself seriously it sucks the joy out of the whole experience and is really quite unattractive. Learn to laugh at yourself.
Practice Reiki, yoga, tai chi or qi gong to learn discipline, focus and to help maintain harmony and peace.
Get enough sleep. When you are well rested, you can manage your emotions better and anything life may throw at you.
Talk to people rather than keep your worries bottled up. When you realise that you are not in this alone, a weight is lifted from your shoulders.
Hug lots and don't be afraid to ask for a hug if you need one. Touch is healing. There is too much emphasis on 'bad touch' which is making people withdraw, whereas the power of 'good' touch is immense.
Write in a journal. Talking and writing about your worries and fears can disempower them. My pen is my pressure valve. If I go without writing for days, I feel like I'm going to POP! It is a most beautiful, artistic and creative form of release and self-expression.
Whether you are religious or not, the serenity prayer is beautiful. When looking for an image I was astounded by the number of people, both men and women, who have it as a tattoo! I think I'd want it printed backwards though so I could read it in the mirror!
NOW is the time to become friends with your body, mind and soul. You might as well, as you are all in this together! :o)
Mind how you go!
Loads of love and Heaps of Healing xXx

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