Monday, 10 September 2012


The human body is utterly amazing.  I think the first thing we should teach our children is how the body works and nurture a healthy respect for it.  This would help avoid the abuse and dis-ease that is sadly commonplace today.

I don't want us to sound like Harry Enfield's Mr 'You Don't Wanna Do It Like That', but we want people to be aware so you can make the conscious decision to lead happier, healthier lives.

Some people consume products off the shelves without a second glance at the ingredients. Once upon a time, even I used to assume that if they sell it in the shops, it must be ok.  Then I educated myself. They assume that if a product says 'organic', 'low fat'  or 'no added sugar' then it must be a healthier option.  Even popular beauty products and childrens 'gentle' bath products contain ingredients that are known carcinogens or harmful to the body in some way.  If you were aware what the effects of some of these ingredients were on your body's systems, would you still continue to use them on yourself and your children?

The human body is an amazing detoxifier, but is it right to push it to its limits, when you could be kinder to the vessel that allows you to experience life on earth?  By simplifying your lifestyle and looking after your body, you can experience more happiness and greater health, which opens you up to new opportunities and possibilities.

It's not only certain food, cosmetics and pollutants in tap water, but also environmental pollution and negative energy that have a toxic effect on your body.  Stress and negative emotions release hormones that create an acidic internal environment, which suppresses the immune system and makes us more vulnerable to attack and dis-ease.

If you can't pronounce it; don't buy it!  If you can't eat it; don't put it on your skin!  THINK before you put anything in your mouth.  In fact, THINK before you do ANYTHING! 

It really does matter!

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