Friday, 12 October 2012

Get squashed and other fun things to do

Today was another extraordinary day, just like every other.  The blustery energies outside confirmed it was a snuggly stay indoors kind of day.

Looking for new ways to keep fit and healthy, we recently bought Maya Fiennes' Kundalini Yoga to detox and de-stress.  I do yoga as part of my morning routine and having seen the trailer with Maya's butt firmly planted throughout, I was lulled into a false sense of security.

What I love is that Kundalini yoga uses muscles and breathing work that is different to my usual style.  It is easy for beginners and yet some of the exercises still make you feel like you have had a good workout, especially if you are not that flexible.

I can feel my energy increase throughout the workout and am completely buzzing by the end.  The first time I did it I felt totally ungrounded, but then ice skating has the same effect.  Eating something nourishing and feeling my feet in contact with the ground soon sorts that out.  

MiBu found the Easy pose less than easy to start with, but by the end had improved his flexibility and this is something he wants to continue to work on.  Kundalini yoga is fun and enjoyable and now part of our healthy lifestyle.  

As if an hour of Kundalini Yoga wasn't enough, we decided to get squashed.  Well, we had already booked and paid for it during the week.  Again, Squash is completely new to us.  All you need is a sense of humour and some squeaky shoes. The game takes place in an acoustically enjoyable court. You can't understand a word of what the other person is saying, but you can chant and sing like a pro.  Well, that's how it sounded in my head!    

There are pretty red lines marked out and I'm sure they mean something, but we just bashed the ball and bounced around the court for an hour.  Then we decided we liked it so much, we've booked the court again for next week!  

And how do we feel after a day of pleasuring ourselves with heaps of energetic, enjoyable exercise?  Well apart from being sorely reacquainted with the muscles in our right forearms, we feel fabulous!   

So, even if the weather is pants or you don't know the rules of a particular sport, just get out there, try something new and have heaps of fun xXx

Friday, 28 September 2012

The Beauty of Simplicity

I know people who regularly race around their home frantically searching for keys or paperwork.  It's also not unusual to hear the kids whine: 'I can't find my shooooooooes!'  Arguments flare, then fingerpointing results in frustration and a stressed out, unhappy family.  
The chaos about thee 
is but the confusion within thee

But peace could prevail by taking a few simple steps.  Keep everything in its proper place and you will save time and energy which could be better spent, by having fun or relaxing.  

Ooh, what sounds more appealing now, eh?!

If something only takes a couple of minutes to do, do it immediately rather than putting it off till later, when no doubt other things will be requiring your attention too.  That's how mountains grow out of molehills.  Master Domestic Goddessness through experience.  If something doesn't work for you; try something different!

I remember the olden days of insurmountable mounds of ironing.  One day I just decided to throw away my iron.  Life's too short to spend it doing pointless things.  No body has commented on how creased our clothes are and we have freed up hours of play time.

We are fortunate.  Both MiBu and I believe LESS IS MORE and our home is simple and tidy and everything has a place that is accessible.  Even when our home needs cleaning, it still appears tidy and this makes housework a joy.  Yes, I actually adore my Domestic Goddess 'chores' and making our home sparkly and beautified.  It is a blessed ritual for me.  Yes there is a good chance I am mad, but it's not been certified...yet.

Some people have an attachment to things and this can cause unhappiness.  Also, the more you have, the more responsibility you possess.  This can actually suck the joy out of whatever it is that you own.  

Whilst getting rid of stuff you have spent time and money acquiring may bring you out in a cold sweat, the feeling of getting rid of superfluous stuff is so liberating.  You might even turn it into a hobby.  If you haven't used something in 6 months, chuck it out!  What's the point surrounding yourself with stuff you don't use? 

When everything around you is sacred,
your whole world is sacred.  

Your environment reflects who you are.  Look around your room.  What does it say about you right now?  Do you still keep stuff that is broken or hideous, but it was a gift and you'd feel guilty if you ditched it?

Honestly, if what you look at every single day doesn't make your heart sing - change it!  If it's broken, fix it or ditch it.

When you let go of the old, 
you make way for the new.

If it doesn't benefit you, bring you joy or improve your life....

Get rid of it!!

Enjoy the beauty of simplicity and surround yourself with all that is sacred to you xXx

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Warrior or worrier?

It is bad for our health and fantastically futile, yet so many people still do it.  

“I've had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened”   
Mark Twain

Worrying is a waste of energy.  It is a fear of unknown or negative possibilities, that might not even happen, or negative thoughts about something that may have already happened. So why worry?

Tell your worries to the Worry Dolls.  They really don't mind and they are good at keeping secrets.

As the quote states, most of the time worry doesn't even manifest in physical reality but drowns our thoughts in a whole bunch of 'what ifs...' which snowball out of control and have a detrimental effect on our daily lives.

And when you are full of fear you are restricting the amount of joy and fun in your life.  Why on earth would you choose fear over fun?!

Fear also causes the body to release adrenalin, which affects the digestive system.  An acidic and negative internal environment can make you feel sick and suppress your immune system which leaves you vulnerable to attack.  Then that'd give you something else to worry about!

The universe says YES! to whatever you focus on.  Therefore the more you worry, the more things you will find to worry about.  On the positive side, the more you focus on what you are grateful for in your life, more things will present themselves that you can be thankful for.

So don't worry.  Help is at hand!

Here are a few ways to help let go of worry and bring a sense of peace and harmony into your life:
  • Meditation and relaxation.  You make the time to meditate and relax, if you don't feel there are enough hours in the day.  There are even 10-minute guided meditation cds, so no excuses even for really busy bees.

  • Don't take life so personally.  When you take yourself seriously it sucks the joy out of the whole experience and is really quite unattractive.  Learn to laugh at yourself.

  • Practice Reiki, yoga, tai chi or qi gong to learn discipline, focus and to help maintain harmony and peace.

  • Get enough sleep.  When you are well rested, you can manage your emotions better and anything life may throw at you.

  • Talk to people rather than keep your worries bottled up.  When you realise that you are not in this alone, a weight is lifted from your shoulders.  

  • Hug lots and don't be afraid to ask for a hug if you need one.  Touch is healing.  There is too much emphasis on 'bad touch' which is making people withdraw, whereas the power of 'good' touch is immense.

  • Write in a journal. Talking and writing about your worries and fears can disempower them. My pen is my pressure valve. If I go without writing for days, I feel like I'm going to POP!  It is a most beautiful, artistic and creative form of release and self-expression. 

  • Whether you are religious or not, the serenity prayer is beautiful.  When looking for an image I was astounded by the number of people, both men and women, who have it as a tattoo!  I think I'd want it printed backwards though so I could read it in the mirror!

NOW is the time to become friends with your body, mind and soul.  You might as well, as you are all in this together! :o)

Mind how you go! 

Loads of love and Heaps of Healing xXx


Friday, 14 September 2012

Mental Altitude

Living a healthy lifestyle isn't just about wholesome food and exercise.  Whilst vitally important, there are other factors to consider, such as a wholesome mental attitude.

Several years ago, I attended a Family Nurturing course at our local Early Years Centre.  Our bible was The Parenting Puzzle by Candida Hunt.  One thing that resonated and has stayed with us throughout the years, apart from the Family Guidelines poster, was the SPICES of Life chart.

Would love to know how to rotate the poster, but just consider it great exercise for increased neck flexibility

The idea is that when your life consists of each of these segments in balance, then you'll lead a satisfying, fulfilling and harmonious life.  However, the other day we noticed it lacks a Nutrition segment, but then I guess the acronym wouldn't be quite as punchy!  But, a substandard diet will nevertheless affect your enjoyment of these aspects of your life, as your physical health deteriorates.

Seeing my mom with her 'dicky' knees, not comfortable playing with her grandchildren on the floor, made me want to be a bendy, fun and sparky granny who can still roll around and bounce with the grandkids.

But including all these aspects is pointless if you've not got the right attitude towards Life.  If you're a Moaning Minnie, you'll merely attract more things to complain about.  However, if you cultivate an attitude for gratitude and look for reasons to smile, then you will notice an ever increasing abundance of wonderful things to be thankful for.

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry
show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile. 
- Unknown

As for us, well, I guess we have cultivated a Tiggerific philosophy towards life.  All souls bounce, so when you get knocked down, just brush yourself off and bounce back up.  As the great, orange bouncy One announced, in an explosion of Tigger spittle: It doesn't matter how big or small you are (or any other excuses you use to stop yourself from being the greatest version of yourself you could ever possibly be) but it's all about your 'bumptious, scrumptious, tiggerific mental altitude'

So, just for today, give thanks for many blessings and watch them multiply, like bunnies, before your eyes.

Thank you for taking the time and energy to read this post 


Monday, 10 September 2012


The human body is utterly amazing.  I think the first thing we should teach our children is how the body works and nurture a healthy respect for it.  This would help avoid the abuse and dis-ease that is sadly commonplace today.

I don't want us to sound like Harry Enfield's Mr 'You Don't Wanna Do It Like That', but we want people to be aware so you can make the conscious decision to lead happier, healthier lives.

Some people consume products off the shelves without a second glance at the ingredients. Once upon a time, even I used to assume that if they sell it in the shops, it must be ok.  Then I educated myself. They assume that if a product says 'organic', 'low fat'  or 'no added sugar' then it must be a healthier option.  Even popular beauty products and childrens 'gentle' bath products contain ingredients that are known carcinogens or harmful to the body in some way.  If you were aware what the effects of some of these ingredients were on your body's systems, would you still continue to use them on yourself and your children?

The human body is an amazing detoxifier, but is it right to push it to its limits, when you could be kinder to the vessel that allows you to experience life on earth?  By simplifying your lifestyle and looking after your body, you can experience more happiness and greater health, which opens you up to new opportunities and possibilities.

It's not only certain food, cosmetics and pollutants in tap water, but also environmental pollution and negative energy that have a toxic effect on your body.  Stress and negative emotions release hormones that create an acidic internal environment, which suppresses the immune system and makes us more vulnerable to attack and dis-ease.

If you can't pronounce it; don't buy it!  If you can't eat it; don't put it on your skin!  THINK before you put anything in your mouth.  In fact, THINK before you do ANYTHING! 

It really does matter!

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Three cheers for Chlorella

A small patch of dry skin appeared under one of my eyes, then the other.  I assumed it was due to my eyeliner, so sourced a natural, Ayurvedic kajal from India.  While my eyes were no longer irritated, the redness was still spreading under both eyes.  I found I was wearing my glasses more and my eyes ached.   

I tried hydrogen peroxide on my skin and while this seemed to soothe, it didn’t clear up the redness that was still busy spreading.  Other skin conditions appeared and it finally resonated I could be deficient in Vitamin A, so I decided to ingest more alpha and beta carotene in any way I could.   I’m starting to believe that soil mineral depletion due to mainstream, intensive farming techniques means food no longer contains all the nutrients we need to maintain good health, so I have resorted to including wholefood supplements and superfoods in my daily diet.  We are also in the process of planning to grow our own food in the back garden; an exciting and daunting prospect offering so many possibilities.

I wanted to try something new to treat my eyes, as all my usual tricks weren’t 100% successful, so I gobbled some chlorella, bought from the lovely people at our local Health Shop.  

Chlorella claims to be a great source of vitamin A, lots of Bs, C and E, zinc and iron, as well as rich in chlorophyll to support the immune system and help with cell metabolism and detoxification and also a big, fat source of bio-available protein.  With an alkalising effect, it counters the acidity produced by a processed diet, so really it is essential for everybody.

Within 24 hours of taking chlorella the growth of the dry, inflamed patch had stabilised.  By 48 hours the redness was visibly reducing and by 60 hours there were just a few tiny spots of dry skin left and no redness at all.  For once I wasn’t actually expecting immediate results, so was temporarily gobsmacked.  (Anyone who knows me well is aware that a permanent state of gobsmackedness is not only improbable, but impossible).  With short term ingestion showing such impressive results and super pooping, this great, tiny green tablet will definitely have a long term place in our tummies.

So much research has been done on this amazing freshwater plant, which is the most popular supplement in Japan, that I strongly recommend you give it a go. 

Thursday, 23 August 2012 a good way

Exercise! A scary word for most of us. Why? Because it means we have to do something.  Put effort into something and invest our time and our energy. And this is exactly why most people are put off straight away...we are looking at the negatives rather than the end results. And this goes for any exercise, whether mental or physical.

Let's talk a little bit more about physical exercise:

We all have to start somewhere. And it doesn't matter what kind of shape your body is in.  If you think you are too big, just go for a five minute walk. Make it ten minutes tomorrow. And fifteen minutes the day after. If you think you don't have enough time, then make the time and remember to congratulate yourself for every achievement, no matter how big or small.  Should you feel uncomfortable exercising alone, ask a friend to come with you. Having someone with you has the benefit of time passing faster and you won't even feel that you did something that you might have "dreaded" before.

For individuals who are more experienced with exercise, it is not always a good idea to have someone with you whilst exercising. Simply because the other person will most likely not be at your level of fitness and either drag you down by being less fit, or even demotivate you due to being better, although it might drive you to higher goals, though. It is up to the individual.

I exercise as good as every day. It has become a part of my daily life to cycle to work. In fact, I haven't made any excuses not to cycle, regardless of the weather. You can always get changed after a bike ride. Just take a set of clothes with you. So, I cycle at least five times a week, and every day I vary movements and gears on certain parts of my route to train different muscles and to get better and faster. On top of that, twice a week I am doing some muscle building exercise at home like "push-ups" and "cycling twists". Look up certain techniques online. You have to start somewhere.  Variety is the key to better results. If you stick to a certain routine, however, your body will get used to it and it won't be challenging anymore.  That's when you reach a plateau and are more likely to give up.
In most cases you won't even need any equipment or gym. You don't even need to leave your house, so there are no excuses! Your body provides more than enough resistance with its weight to be gentle on your joints and with focus and determination, still be efficient to present results.

And then I have the days where I won't do a thing. Simply giving my muscles a really good rest. Listen to your body. Don't overdo it. Push limits, but don't break barriers. Your body will tell you when it's had enough. Then you should stop, have a rest, re-energize and nourish your muscles again.
Please don't go for the pint of lager after you just sweated all the toxins out of your body. And don't believe that a chocolate bar, eaten until half an hour after your exercise goes straight into your muscles and makes them grow. 

Drink water, have some juicy fruit, go easy on the refined carbohydrates and eat protein rich foods like eggs or fish. If you are dieting at the same time you might even go for Miso soup, for example. The brown version is more savoury and the cheaper solution.  Whisk in a raw egg and hey presto!

The most important thing is to enjoy what you are doing. Make it a routine, not necessarily daily. But regular enough to become part of your lifestyle.

And now have fun getting fitter and healthier.

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Aqua Vita

Humans are the only animals who refer to someone else when they are ill; an interesting notion.  Rather than rely on our innate self healing mechanisms, it appears we’ve been conditioned to place more value on what other people think about ourselves.  Some people admit they don’t want to invest time and energy in themselves, but would rather pay someone to give them a quick fix for whatever troubles them.

We have so many conversations with people who claim they want to feel better, but fail to do anything about it.  It’s as if they enjoy the attention their ailment attracts and maybe they fear that in healing themselves they’ll have nothing else to talk about?

So, let’s start with something so simple and vital to good health that everyone can do it – NO EXCUSES:


Composed of over 80% water as a foetus, our body water content gradually decreases over time until we’re human raisins. 
Not only does water stop your tongue sticking to the roof of your mouth on a hot day, but it plays an undervalued, yet vital part in fluids in the spine, joints and eyes, amongst other things.  It is also used to transport oxygen, vitamins and minerals around the cells via the vast network of arteries, veins and capillaries and eliminates waste from cells and the body.

So, if you don’t hydrate your body properly, how can you expect it to function effectively?  Just as a car would break down if you failed to maintain its fluids and fuel, the same applies to you.

We’ll say it again.  Drink more water.  We know there are those of you who argue that beer, sports drinks and coffee contain water too, but they also contain substances that put your body under unnecessary stress.  Please treat yourselves regularly to more water or even herbal teas.  Notice how much more energy you have, and especially if you’re a serial snacker, how it suppresses your constant cravings for food.  Enjoy more fruits and vegetables with high water content, too.  Become a life explorer and investigate ways to be healthier and happier.

However, be aware that tap water in the UK is pumped with lots of things we’d rather not think about, including heavy metals, chlorine and fluoride.  It also includes some harmful additives which have been banned in other European countries, but apparently it's OK for UK residents to ingest them.  While these chemicals may kill germs in the water, they are also harmful to humans.  Go on, treat yourself to a water filter jug, water ozonator, ioniser or a Bobble today!

We dare you to drink more water every day and see how much better you feel.  You never know, you might just enjoy feeling fabulous!

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

How cultured are you?

 Maybe you’ve heard, or maybe you haven’t, but you really should love your guts. 

Important for good health and happiness, you might want to keep your colon clean and clear to absorb essential nutrients from food and drink and ensure it is buzzing with friendly bacteria to keep peace down there.  It’s when there’s a dominating acidic environment (caused by stress, processed foods and negative thinking, for example) that things really kick off.  The unfriendly bacteria take over and dis-ease then results in a life less lovely.

Bacterial imbalance in your gut may be key to “development of cancer, asthma, allergies, obesity, diabetes, autoimmune diseases and even brain-, behavioral- and emotional problems like ADHD, autism and depression,” according to Dr Mercola (2012).

One option is colonic hydrotherapy, but we’ll talk sh*t another day.  Another, more palatable option, is to probiotically populate your intestines with fermented foods and drinks, such as Sauerkraut or Kefir.  I’ve been researching the effects of fermented food and drink on the body and invested in some kefir grains, after watching Holly Paige demonstrate how little effort is required to reap the rewards.  Always a bonus, in my mind.  Pour milk into a glass jar, add kefir grains, seal jar and wiggle (the jar and you, of course), then leave at room temperature for about 24-36 hours.  Easy!

We only started at the beginning of this week and I have some every day, by adding it to my cacao or fruity smoothies, or simply slurping it neat.  Apparently, after twenty days or so it doubles in size, by which time I’ll be sharing it with friends, so others can benefits from this friendly bacteria.  (We actually started writing this blog two weeks ago and now I can happily confirm that the kefir grains have multiplied prolifically and we now have some to share – yeay!)

Kefir (pronounced /kəˈfɪər/ kə-FEER) from the Turkish for ‘well-being’, is a fermented, slightly sour and fizzy drink and a source of magnesium, calcium, riboflavin, folate and vitamins including A, C, K2 & B12.  Added to this, it is an excellent detoxifier, drawing toxins and heavy metals from body’s cells.

The probiotic ‘friendly’ bacteria found in kefir is beneficial to the intestinal tract and helps treat many gastrointestinal dis-eases.  The lactobacilli, yeasts and kefiran support the immune system and help keep viruses and infections at bay.

We are currently using goats milk because the short and medium chain fats and proteins are easier to digest than cows’ milk and lovely bleety goats aren’t pumped full of antibiotics or rBST hormones to increase milk production, like moo cows are.  Apparently kefir can also be produced from coconut and nut milks too, something we will also investigate in future.

Like most things in life, it is best to find out what works for you, because we are all so beautifully individual and individually beautiful.

Here’s to your good health and happiness xXx 


Beck, L (2008)  Kefir - February 2008's Featured Food. Leslie Beck, RD.  Available from:  Accessed 27 July 2012

Body Ecology Inc. (n.d.) The Ancient Antidote for Modern Maladies. Body Ecology Inc. Available from: Accessed 1 August 2012

Mercola, J (2012) Gut Microbes Might Reflect Health, Diet of Older Americans. Available from  Accessed 1 August 2012

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

5 Guidelines to a blissed out life

Just for today - let go of anger

Just for today - let go of worry

Just for today - give thanks for many blessings

Just for today - do my work honestly

Just for today - be kind to my neighbour and to every living thing

The five principles behind Reiki are simple and effective, unless you are Peter Griffin or Homer Simpson, in which case they will be near impossible to master.

But these principles mean different things to different people.  This is just our interpretation of them.  You may see them differently.  You may see a pattern, though: Just for today.   We feel this is for two reasons:  Just for today  sounds less scary than every day for the rest of your life.  So psychologically, we may feel this is more achievable if it is only for today.  Also, it reminds us that all we have is today.  In fact, all we have is this present moment.  Right here.  Right now.  Although, what I also love is that I am writing this right here, right now and when you read it, it will be later for me, but right here and right now for you.  I get kind of excited that writing transcends time and space.

We can group the first two principles together.  Why let go of worry and anger?  Basically because they are fear-based emotions that are destructive, whereas the Reiki Path is a constructive, creative and loving one.  Negative emotions drain and block our energy, which in turn affects our well-being.  Therefore, chuck 'em out!  They don't serve us on the happy hippie highway.  They are merely the roadworks, diversions or speed bumps that slow us down or throw us off course.

Give thanks for many blessings and many blessings will come your way.  When you pay attention to all the things and people you are grateful for, no matter how small or big, you begin to notice more and more things to be thankful for, until you can't believe how freakin' awesome life actually is.  It is lovely to end the day and drop off to sleep with your mind tumbling with lovely things you are grateful for.  Like attracts like and when you focus on nurturing an attitude of gratitude, the Law of Attraction will ensure you life is filled with bliss and blessings.

The way I interpret Do my work honestly is to be authentic and honest in everything I do and to give 100% attention to what it is that I am doing.  Even if it's putting the washing on, I kiss the machine and give thanks that it washes our clothes in thirty lickitysplit minutes, rather than me having to stand with a scrubbing dolly and a bar of soap all day.  If you are not in the mood to do something, you are better off leaving it till you are in a better frame of mind, because whatever you do is infused with your energy. 

Be kind to my neighbour and to every living thing - I think this should read: be kind to myself, but seeing as many people are so self destructive, they will probably find it easier to be kind to others than themselves to start with.  Even if it is letting someone out in the traffic ahead of you or smiling at someone.  Acts of kindness bring so much joy into the world.  Don't react to how others behave.  I always taught my kids that if someone is horrible to you, it's because of some fear or insecurity, so in fact, they just need love rather than revenge or retaliation.  It's amazing how you can diffuse a difficult situation by being kind and calm, instead of feeding into the drama.

So that's pretty much it.  See how well you do in a given day and give yourself a pat on the back; no matter how big or small your positive thoughts, words or actions.  They all count in this game.  Everyone is a winner!

Friday, 1 June 2012

Buzz Buzz Buzz I Wonder Why He Does?

Today I was blessed to have initiated another beautiful human bean into Reiki.  It was a truly beautiful experience.  I was receiving a Reiki treatment, outdoors in the peaceful heart of the country, when a wasp danced around my face; waspishy flitting from ear to ear.  It was so close I could feel the air from its wing vibrations tickle my skin and its buzz was a Formula One engine. 

At that point I realised this wasp was giving me healing, too.  When it landed on my cheek I felt a tickle on my soft palate, at the back of my mouth that spread down my throat.  When I couldn't stand the tickling any more I sat upright and thanked the wasp for the healing.  It flew away and never returned.

That experience got me thinking.  I had never considered wasps to be healers.  Until that moment I had always noticed that wasps were attracted by fear.  People resistant to healing may be fearful, angry or aggressive. But it is the flapping, flailing and shouting at wasps that results in a nasty sting.  Animals can sense fear and react to it instinctively.  If people could stay calm and ask nicely, a different outcome is possible.  

MiBu once politely asked a wasp to leave his coffee shop as it was distressing the customers.  He told the wasp that he loved it, but would it mind leaving and held the door open.  The wasp then flew straight outside.

However, I now see that while wasps may be attracted to lower or negative energies, they also have an ability to transmute negativity, if we are willing to trust them and let them into our space.  

Obviously if there's a swarm of angry wasps headed straight for me, I'll take that as a warning and run like the wind, but in that peaceful, healing space in the countryside, I am truly grateful for its loving presence.

It is a shame some people fear creatures because they aren't fluffy or cute.  A friend of my daughter had a fear of spiders, until one day she decided to name our house spiders and give them life stories.  The naming and storytelling process dispelled her fear. 

So, maybe next time you're face to face with your greatest fear, just ask what it's name is...

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Bon Voyage

Every journey starts with a single step.

You don't go to the gym and expect to walk out after just an hour with the body of Adonis or Aphrodite.

Healing  is a journey to welcoming greater health and happiness into your life, which results in greater vitality and an abundance of all things wonderful that come with a fresh, new perspective.  It is a process that requires a commitment to yourself. It requires you to take responsibility for yourself instead of blaming others for the state of your life.

We've all plodded along automatically, unaware of what we have allowed to creep into our lives.  Have a look around you and notice what clutters your life.  What can you see that you no longer use, enjoy, is broken, worn out or you don't even like anymore?  What no longer makes your heart sing?

In the words of Jack Johnson, 'Reduce. Reuse. Recycle'.  'One man's junk is another man's treasure' and all that.  Donate unwanted stuff, trade-in old electronic equipment for cash and notice how free you feel when you release stuff you no longer want or need.  We find it so liberating to let things go, but appreciate it may be difficult, at first, when many items may been given sentimental value.

I remember when I wanted to start a decluttering 'Home Energiser' business several years ago, I asked my friends to be case studies, but none of them would help me.  They were too embarrassed that they had too much junk they didn't want me to see!  They couldn't see the irony.  But rather than explore firsthand how they could improve their lives, by simply letting go of stuff, they chose to be embarrassed and continued to ignore their clutter.  But clutter simply drains your energy.

"The Chaos about thee is but the confusion within thee"

Feng Shui and space clearing, on the otherhand, allows you to get rid of the old and leaves space for the new.  If you love to research before you explore, there are heaps of books and websites on the subject.  Or if you are more spontaneous and adventurous, try it for yourself NOW.  Go on, get rid of those clothes that no longer fit or the ghastly gifts you never liked, that hide in cupboards.  Then revel in how wonderful it feels when only the things you love surround you.

Congratulations!  You have just taken your first step.

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Wibbly Wobbly Website

Well, it has been an eventful few hours since we started this blog and we decided to make some changes already. Or should we say the universe showed us another way of getting our healing out there. 

To keep this one short and simple, we have a website now.
Not much on there so far but we are working on it.
If you already want to check it out, go for it.

But worry not, this blog will carry on to blossom and evolve as our adventures unfold.

Have a good day
Loads of Love and Heaps of Healing
Till next time

Sparkles & MiBu xXx

Wednesday, 23 May 2012


Hi folks....

Welcome to our happy hippie blog.

We are two life explorers who share a lot of fun, love and our passion for living lusciously.

The aim of this blog is to share our paths to greater health and well being. We will share our journeys, past, present and future, to inspire and motivate any living being out there who wants to create a better life for themselves. We believe that everyone is on their own unique journey and entitled to a happy and healthy life. In fact, it is everyone's natural birth right.

Some might call us two crazy freaks for our ways of seeing and playing with life, but these are only our ways  and our beliefs. Working with "Universal Life Force Energy" is pretty normal to us. Putting a smile on people's faces, without even trying, is normal to us. To make a positive difference in someone's day, just by being ourselves, gives us great joy. To realise over and over again how amazing and easy life can be if you just let it unfold naturally, is typical for us. So, as you might have realised, all this is normal. But you still have the permission to call us freaks. We even take it as a compliment.

People often ask us "Why are you so happy?" or "What drugs are you on?" and our answer is always that we are "High on Life". This means, we live our truth and as close to nature as possible. Sorry to disappoint you, there really are no drugs involved. There is no quick fix and it doesn't just happen over night. Everyone will have to want it for themselves and put a few actions into place to make each new day better and brighter than the day before.

Yours in Love, Healing and Humour,

Sparkles & MiBu

P.S. Please bear with us, this page is still a working progress and probably, or should we say hopefully, always will be.